Some people wake up ready to write out big ambitious lists itemizing everything they need to do to turn their day into a shimmering success. Others are good at executing against a well-defined list, checking it off as they move through the day. Your restaurant needs to bring both types together when it comes to creating a master cleaning plan.
No one gets into food service because they like to clean, which is exactly why you should create a process that requires as little thought as possible. Get creative with your menu and the guest experience, but keep your cleaning systematic.
Here’s how you do it.
Create a Master Plan
Here’s what you need to account for:

What Should be Cleaned
List all cleaning jobs in one area, or list jobs in the order they should be performed. Include both food and nonfood surfaces as items that need to be cleaned.
Who Should Clean It
Assign each task to a specific individual
When it should be cleaned: Staff should clean and sanitize as needed. Schedule major cleaning when food will not be contaminated or service will not be affected. Schedule work shifts to allow enough time.
How it Should be Cleaned
Have clear, written procedures for cleaning. List cleaning tools and chemicals by name. Post cleaning instructions near the item. Always follow manufacturers’ instructions when cleaning equipment.
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Train Your Staff
Schedule time for training. Work with small groups or conduct training by area.
Monitor for Success
- Make sure the cleaning program is working.
- Supervise daily cleaning routines.
- Check all cleaning tasks against the master schedule every day.
- Change the master schedule as needed for any changes in menu, procedures, or equipment.
- Ask staff during meetings for input on the program.
While most people in food service didn’t get into the business to out-clean the competition; the reality is the top performing establishments always have great cleaning routines. They may not advertise this fact, but the corollary is unmistakable.
We feel that being able to systematize your cleaning operation brings confidence to your employees who will feel they’re part of a team that gets things done; it brings confidence to your guests who see that they’re safety is number one; and it delivers on your commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences.